Bergesch Computer Services, Inc.
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See About Us.

Opinions, suggestions, recommendations or ideas found on our site are applied at your own risk.  More.  

Self Help

We have a variety of information, articles and how to which we add to as problems, issues and fixes are discovered.  As with all information and opinion found in our site, suggestions, recommendations or ideas found on this site are applied at your own risk.

Retired!  This page is no longer updated.


Are we going to work with you remotely?  See this page.

Computers 101 - Information on basic operation we're putting together (we just started on it), but also has a more extensive index of various subjects.

Newsletters - A good place to start for what's new and miscellaneous items not worthy of an entire page.

Applications - Some information on various application issues, hints, etc. 

Infected? - help clearing and other virus related information.

Internet - various articles including settings, add-ons, connections issues, cookies/privacy, surfing incognito and more. 

NOTE: Rather than searching the Internet for "drivers" (which you probably don't need anyway), here are the popular manufacturer's site links.  Note: If you have a "Driver Update" application on your computer, uninstall it!  Windows will keep your computer driver's up to date...

Email - various information on email, setting up, Outlook quirks, passwords, hijacked accounts and more.

Hijacked - (just short of viruses but not by much) shows you how to get rid of all the junkware (more appropriately "crapware") causing pop-up, ads and other annoying things from the Internet.

Working in Windows - all kinds of information about Windows.   A few examples:

Steve's KB notes are somewhat cryptic containing quick resolution to strange or unusual stuff we have encountered.  Someday we'll clean them up but for now it is our online quick reference guide. 

Looking at a new computer? 

Here are our thoughts and some suggestions when looking to purchase a new computer and once you have that new computer: Copy data to a new computer  

Misc by operation...

Backing things up

Batch Files

Fixing things

Wireless and Networking